Kamis, 23 April 2009

The Real Birds And Bees: Motivation For Your Future

Bees Can't Fly: The real birds & bees
of the job hunt.

Yup, bees can't possibly fly. Scientists and other really-smart-people have found that such round, tubby creatures with those itty-bitty wings can't physically fly. But they do, because nobody told them they can't.

As you work through the frustrating business of hunting for work and income, do you sometimes hear or start to accept that there are things you can't do because you are too short, fat, old, dumb, poor or just too “(fill-in-the-blank)”?? Others say the same sad things over & over to you or worse yet, maybe you start saying them to yourself.

Instead, understand that bees can fly only because noboidy ever told them they could NOT fly.

For right now, stop all that static and hear the story of the chicken hawk:
One day a baby eagle (named George) was found abandoned on the ground, fallen from his nest. He was brought by a caring farmer to live with a family of chicken hawks.

There George grew with his new sisters and brothers, learning the ways of the chicken hawk, eking out a subsistence life and never leaving the ground. Good survivors, those chicken hawks, but, wow! What a rough life!

One day George saw an eagle flying overhead. ”WOW!”, he said, ”look at that!” His brother and sister chicken hawks all told him not to worry, or to dream about that, THAT is an eagle, a majestic bird that flies where it wants... don't YOU worry (or dream), because YOU are just a chicken hawk.

George slept on these thoughts and decided he would try this 'flying thing'. He soon caught a lot of attention...all bad:
“What are you doing? You're scaring us!”
“You're shaming the family! Other hawks are talking”
“You just keep falling on your face!”
“So being a chicken hawk isn't enough for you, eh?”
“What a goon! Tired of falling down yet?”

George kept falling and hurting himself; spreading his wings. He hurt because he wasn't used to using those muscles. But then... he flew just a little... then more and later some more. And soon he flew like the eagle that was always inside of him.

Post Script: George returns to his chicken hawk family with presents and stories of far off lands and gives flying lessons to those who want to try. Even if they fall a lot at first. Go ahead, try and fly. Birds and bees do it.
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